Friday 5 March 2010


Our group were the first group to film, because of that we were weeks ahead of many people. In the knowledge of this we slacked our pace, in doing so we didn't get the editing done until the end when every other group was finishing.

During our editing we learnt how to:
  • Extract clips off a tape onto the program Final Cut Pro
  • In our piece of filming we wanted to turn about 5 shots black and white and saturate out the colour purple. We found this difficult, but with a helping hand we got it all done.
  • How to create freeze frames
  • Add video transitions + audio transitions
  • Snap selected pieces of work together
  • Cut footage
  • Add non-diegetic sound
  • Add diegetice sounds e.g. "She wolf"
  • Show film on the TV, while editing, to know what it would look like
  • Add Credits


Kat, Charlotte and I organised the filming or our romantic comedy "Purple" to take place on a weekend in January. We filmed at My house in the middle of the day, in total it took us 5 1/2 hours to film 9 minuets of footage.

During the 5 and 1/2 hours we spent filming, the actual use of technology became easier and we were able to get the shots done quicker. We all shared out the work equally between ourselves, and played to the strengths/skills shown in the preliminary task.

To improve the filming process I felt that we should of made copies of the story board, and distributed them to the cast, so at least they knew what they were doing. This was because during the filming, some of the cast found being told what to do all the time difficult. Especially as they are volunteers not paid, so I think that giving them a copy of the story board would of made the whole process smoother and quicker.

Altogether the filming was really successful even though everyone was incredibly tired after all the hard work.

Cast List

Main Characters

Kimberly - Heather Nye
William - Micheal Portman
Amellia - Verity Pearce


Karl Barret
Sophia Johnson
Novar Cave
George Baker
Nick Knight
Bethan Timmins
Kyle Stacey
Matt Porter
Laura Porter